Saturday, November 29, 2014

Slingshot! for Dynamo Update

Introduce some SQL into Dynamo
It was about time something was done about the version of Slingshot! that has been collecting dust on the Dynamo package manager....   A year ago, the Slingshot package was released as a collection of Python scripts and several required libraries for MySQL and SQLite needed to be downloaded separately due to package limitations.

No more!  As of tonight, Slingshot! for Dynamo is distributed as a node library and ships with all the needed dependencies.  So if you are interested in cutting your teeth on some SQL within a graphical programming language, give it a shot!

Interact with relational databases
And just in case you forgot Slingshot! was open source... I have moved the source code to a new home over at (including both Grasshopper and Dynamo projects)