Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Proving Ground Wiki: USC Arch 517 Class

To coincided with my 5-week Grasshopper seminar at USC, I have created The Proving Ground Wiki. The purpose is to encourage experimentation and collaboration among the students enrolled in the course. As the course moves forward, the wiki will evolve with new content in the form of diagrams, descriptions, and Grasshopper files.

The Proving Ground Wiki

Have a look.... and check back throughout April to see how the class is going!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

NYCCT Emerge Lecture Images

Below are some images from my recent lecture at the New York City College of Technology. I had a fantastic visit!

Generally, the basic premise of my lecture "Algorithms, Parameters, Practice" is that the architect cannot divorce the work that they do from the tools that they employ. The tool itself is not simply a means to achieve an architectural idea but is, in part, a driver for thought itself
(consciously, subconsciously, or both). To demonstrate this, I showcased a series of projects I have been working on at NBBJ where the design and optimization of the project went in tandem with the design and optimization of various toolsets.