Monday, July 12, 2010

Feedback Cloud Lecture: Teaser Image 01

My lecture for the BIM Analytics symposium will demonstrate a series of methodologies for achieving a performance-driven design and collaboration process.

As a teaser... here is one technique that I will demonstrate showing an "ecology" of tools in use at once.
The tools are connected together and sharing information using inter-process communication.

More 'teasers' to come....

A change to the Rhino surface will update the connected software environments creating a dynamic design-analyze-document process.

1. Rhino (surface design)
2. Grasshopper (surface rationalization, inter-process communication control)
3. Ecotect (Solar analysis)
4. AutoCAD (2D Panel documentation)

[uto] were the first ones to figure out the process for connecting Grasshopper to Ecotect and were generous enough to provide me with information on how Ecotect could be accessed remotely using DDE. The particular components depicted in the image are custom made 'from scratch' to suit my specific needs.

For those of you interested in a similar kind of Ecotect-Grasshopper DDE link, please refer to [uto]'s Grasshopper plug-in: Geco.

For those of you interested in the COM connection to AutoCAD, you may find some sample code in my post here.

Info on my BIM Analytics lecture: Feedback Cloud