...and so concludes the Spring 2013 semester for the undergraduate Arch 223 course.
Like the Fall semester, the course concluded with an assignment focused on learning and using Revit as a design tool. Whereas the first two assignments were focused on free-form modeling in Rhino, this final assignment challenged students to utilize the parametric tools available in Revit and then leverage this information for downstream production. The assignment asked the students to design a modular set of families (adaptive components and/or pattern-based curtain panels) and deploy them with a conceptual massing system. They then had produce drawings, renderings, diagrams, and schedules.
Overall, the students did a great job with this assignment and I hope they continue to push the boundaries of these tools as they work their way up through the college. Great work!
The TAs, Matt Neaderhiser and Dan Williamson, did a fantastic job coordinating and running the labs this year. Both are graduating this semester. Congrats!
For a complete look of the course this past year, check out these previous posts:
Student: Brock Thompson |
Student: Brock Thompson |
Student: Justine McCarty |
Student: Justine McCarty |
Student: Conner Burke |
Student: Conner Burke |
Student: Ally Pilmaiar |
Student: Ally Pilmaiar |
Student: Josh Puppe |
Student: Josh Puppe |