Sunday, April 26, 2009

3D Voronoi "Porn" in Grasshopper

There has been an interesting discussion going on over at the Grasshopper Google Group for achieving 3D Voronoi within the Grasshopper environment.

Visose recently posted a method for using the VB.NET script component in conjunction with the Pointset Reconstruction plug-in in order produce a set of 3D Voronoi polysurfaces (BReps) within Grasshopper.
The method does not allow for auto-updating. You will have to hit F5 in GH to refresh the result. Still, this is pretty effective if you want slightly more automation than is currently offered by the PSet plug-in.

I have posted the *.ghx file of the method: GH_3D Voronoi_Pointset Macro Method.ghx

You will need to have the Pointset Reconstruction Plug-In installed for this to work. The image above is a result I got after modifying the voronoi BReps within Grasshopper (offset and fillet of 3D voronoi = trendy architecture!)