Saturday, May 19, 2007


"The gyroid, illustrated above, is an infinitely connected periodic minimal surface containing no straight lines (Osserman 1986) that was discovered by Schoen (1970). Große-Brauckmann and Wohlgemuth (1996) proved that the gyroid is embedded.

The gyroid is the only known embedded triply periodic minimal surface with triple junctions. In addition, unlike the five triply periodic minimal surfaces studied by Anderson et al. (1990), the gyroid does not have any reflectional symmetries (Große-Brauckmann 1997)."

Mathworld Link

Famous Minimal Surfaces

Surface Evolver

Thursday, May 17, 2007


"Los Angeles is the centre of production for ether. Hollywood, as both a mythical place and a mode of production is the telematic inhaler for the rest of the world, a sponge so soaked and saturated with ether that it can anaesthetize the entire world. Now that we have Los Angeles, we no longer need other cities. Los Angeles has been designed as a giant stage set, ready for broadcast. As a generic background, it can be exported to any location."
AUDC / Robert Sumrell and Kazys Varnelis